I don't usually write
movie reviews since for me movies are simply 'good', 'bad' or 'average' and
there's nothing further to elaborate. However, after watching Divergent I was
overcome with so many FEELS that I needed to write them down. This review will
probably be all over the place so my apologies! :D
Book to Film:
I've realised that when a
book is adapted into a movie, most hardcore fans of the book(s) prefer the
movie to stay faithful to the book(s). I, on the other hand don't particularly
mind. I believe that since it's an independent film, the directors/producers
can add/delete scenes as long as it suits the movie. As long as the plot
doesn't change significantly and there are no plot holes, I'm completely fine with
it. Also, as long as the more important scenes/fans' favourite scenes and the
scenes that drive the plot forward are brought to life then I'm content. The
rest aren't important.
Having said that, I felt
that Divergent remained quite faithful to the book. I mean, the last time I
read Divergent was probably early last year (my book's been in my friend’s
possession for a good part of last year) so I'm a little fuzzy over specific
scenes. However, 90% of the ‘memorable scenes’ were included in the movie and
if any scenes that didn’t appear in the book were added, or certain scenes were
altered then I applaud the director for adding/changing those scenes because I
(I actually wrote an
entire paragraph on my phone but when I opened up the file the next day, for
some reason the paragraph wasn’t there. *sigh* I must’ve accidentally deleted
it on the bus =.=’).
Anyway, back to the
Tris: Holy Moly Tris’s
actually was superb! To be honest, when the cast was first announced last year,
I was 100% skeptical of Shailene. Back then, she looked nothing like the Tris
I’d conjured up in my head, and no offense, I didn’t find her very
good-looking. After doing some googling/research/stalking, I discovered that
she was generally perceived as an extremely talented actress and so my doubts
began to fade. Fast-forward a year later, I’m sitting here wondering how the
heck I ever doubted her ability to bring Tris to life. Shai was perfect as Tris. I mean, no, she still
doesn’t fit the original image of
Tris but after watching Divergent, that ‘original’ Tris doesn’t exist anymore.
Shai is Tris and Tris is Shai. Every time there was an emotionally demanding
scene or a scene that required screaming/yelling/anger, I legit felt goose
bumps on my arms because her acting was just so damn good. I can’t wait for Insurgent now! Bring on more Tris/Shay
Oh, and one more thing. I
believe Tris is described as small in the book, but obviously in the movie Shai
is quite tall. Once upon a time, this was a contributing factor to my dislike
PERFECT?!?! I remember as soon as Four appeared on screen – the scene where
Tris jumped off the roof, landed on a net and Four helped her down- all the girls in the cinema (me
included) started swooning/screaming/giggling. Honestly, I don’t know how Tris
was able to answer him after he helped her down…I mean, I would’ve just melted
into a puddle of goo.
Four is unapproachable, a demanding, no-nonsense instructor who could frighten anyone into silence with one piercing look. Theo did a fantastic job executing all of Four’s identifying traits. While I fell in love at first sight with Theo’s looks, I must admit he also didn’t fit with my image of Four. The ‘original’ Four was leaner…and I felt a little more sensitive but like Shai/Tris, Theo James is now the one and only Four for me!
Four is unapproachable, a demanding, no-nonsense instructor who could frighten anyone into silence with one piercing look. Theo did a fantastic job executing all of Four’s identifying traits. While I fell in love at first sight with Theo’s looks, I must admit he also didn’t fit with my image of Four. The ‘original’ Four was leaner…and I felt a little more sensitive but like Shai/Tris, Theo James is now the one and only Four for me!
Other Characters:
- Throughout the movie I was slightly confused. Was Edward ever introduced to us? I remember seeing his name on the rankings but were we ever introduced to him as a character?
- Also, I didn’t realize this until someone mentioned on Twitter (sorry, forgot who!) Was Uriah introduced to us? I think he was on screen for less than 5 seconds before he disappeared. And we never got to see him again. Uriah was one of my favourite characters in Divergent and it’s a pity Uriah didn’t play a bigger role in the movie.
- -I had no complaints regarding Christina and Will’s characters. I can’t remember any specific lines, but I do remember many of their lines were snarky, hilarious and definitely appreciated!
- OOOHHHH HAVE I MENTIONED HOW JAI’S ACTING WAS IMPECCABLE?!?! Well it was! Now, he was exactly how I imagined Eric! Those piercings, tattoos, expressionless face and unforgiving personality truly brought Eric to life.
- Every time Caleb and Tris spoke or walked next to each other, my mind would immediately jump to Augustus and Hazel’s scenes together in The Fault in Our Stars. Did this happen to anyone else?
If you couldn’t be bothered to read the my 900+ words review, no worries, just read this paragraph. I have three words for everyone – GO WATCH DIVERGENT!! So far it’s one of my favourite book-to-movie adaptations, the others being The Hunger Games, Catching Fire & a few of the Harry Potter films.